Thursday, July 14, 2011

Of course we can fit in some new ducks!

Yep, OK, the Duck Hilton is full!!  No more room at the inn!!

This week saw the arrival of 3 lovely little girls, which will help with the male:female ratio, which was very drake heavy.  The 'for sale' suite now contains 6 drakes and we "must work harder" at finding them new homes.

So, we have 2 new little blue fawn girls, Mavis and Mabel and little Betty Boop, who is a white duck, with blotchy choc speculum and blotchy choc rump, not sure how you would go about 'making' this colour, but we'll see what sort of babies she produces and try to work backwards from there!!  LOL!!

This is Betty Boop

And, from the left we have Iggy, Saffie, Morrie, Sabine (white) ,Mavis (top) and Mabel (bottom)

This is The Don, an apricot silver drake, pretty boy :)

And this is his friend Isabel, who is blue silver (?), also very pretty and very tame and friendly, nice little duck :)

Juliet and Romeo, now very much at home and doing well.

Sally and Slim, Slim is a very quiet drake, and often pushed around by smaller boys, luckily Sally usually comes to the rescue and does a little chest pushing if he's getting too badly picked on!!  LOL!!

Star's babies are growing up.  I kept 3.. and of course that meant I would end up with 2 roos and 1 pullet!!  This is Star 2 and Tinkerbelle enjoying some winter sunshine.  They are both very friendly chookies and love a cuddle.

This is the other cockerel Party Roo, he's mean to ducks!!  And not friendly with people either, pretty typical for a roo!!  He's twice bullied Tina, and that means you'll be escorted off the premises, it is the DUCK Hilton, after all ;-D  Anyone need a very low mileage roo??  FTGH

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