Monday, September 1, 2014

Botanic Gardens - Canberra

Yesterday we visited the Botanic Gardens in Canberra.  Before we set off I made my first attempts to get a good 4 generations pic!!  Hard to get Scarlett to look at the camera when its on timer!!

More pics and chatting:

Got the hat... must be ready to go!!

Then we set out and once there found a nice spot to have our picnic - delicious egg sandwiches, expertly made by GG from farm fresh eggs :)

Another go at 4 generations pic in the gorgeous Canberra sunshine :)

The gardens were lovely, lots of 'stuff' in flower.  We enjoyed a lovely walk around the rainforest area and then up to 'mallee' garden, good view across the carpark to parliament house.

Lots of very showy wattles:

Several different banksias:

Beautifully scented boronia:

Ferns, ferns and more ferns in the rainforest area:

Grass trees in full swing:

The hardenbergias were going off!!

Even the spent flowers were looking arty:

Paper daisies doing a good job of hiding the rubbish bin:

Silver Princess:

Saved the name of this plant, but having looked it up since its not the right one... will have to go back!!

Even the white heath looked good :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got your pictures in. I enjoyed the tour through all the flora.
