Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ariadne's First Clutch

Ariadne is my lavender bibbed Call duck. On 26 December I hatched 3 ducklings from her eggs in the incubator, on Decmeber 27 she hatched 4 ducklings and in the afternoon I offered her 'my' 3 babies which she accepted instantly.

These are the 3 babies I hatched.

Ariadne and the whole bunch, the incubator babies took a little while to get the hang of getting underneath their mum, but once they did the little gang was a very cohesive little group.

This was taken yesterday when the babies enjoyed their first swim, although not while I had the camera pointed at them!! They had a lovely time eating the finely shredded lettuce I added to the water and had no trouble leaping in and out of their little pond.


  1. Great photos. No wonder you keep breeding. And glad to see you have a blog now :)

  2. Thanks :) Will try to get some textile-y things up here soon-ish!! LOL!!
