Monday, September 20, 2010

Peanut and Kiwi

Coco is a Silver Pencilled Wyandotte x Silkie, she's gorgeous, and she knows it!!  She's head chook!!

Here a couple shots of my darling partridge silikes Peanut and Kiwi (my fav), they are bearded silkies, good layers and in their second season.  I have had quite a lot of babies (incubator) from these girls.  Peanut is broody now, sitting on 7 eggs and we are looking forward to hatching day.


  1. Hello from central Iowa,
    I have a hen identical to Coco, I didn't think there would be another Jewell!

    1. I have another one now, a silkie x polish who is a very similar colour, a bit more buff, but same pattern :)
