Sunday, July 24, 2011

The great llama round up

Today we made a make shift yard, wire posts and white electrical fencing tape, and used more tape, 5 people and a large dose of luck, to round up Sweet Pea and Carter.  It all went swimmingly well, and very quickly, and in one shot we had them in the yard!!  Sweet Pea had her old halter caught around the base of her neck, and Carter's halter was such a snug fit that there were a few rub marks on his face.  Removed Carter's halter, fitted a new one to Sweet Pea, and attached the lead rope, and spent some lovely cuddle time with them.  At the end of the day, they are safe and well and very very happy in there new wooded field on the side of Mount Camberwarra.  I am very grateful to Tony and Pam for letting the llamas free range on their paddock, to Shayne for setting this up and to Berry and Liz for delivering them.  Today's round up team were awesome!!  Thanks to Shayne, Brad, Tony and Freya - good job team!!  LOL!!  Here are some pics taken by Tony today :)

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