Saturday, August 20, 2011

Lyrebirds, Echinda, Grey Kangaroos and the rest!

Very cross with myself today, said to myself this morning, dont forget the camera - and then left without it.  Realised when I saw the first lyrebird on Mt Camberwarra that I would go on regretting my forgetfulness ALL day.

Saw a second lyrebird at the Patchwork Retreat that I visited to return customer quilts, on the edge of the Shoalhaven River at Tapitallee - gorgeous place :)

Grey kangaroos, close to the road and calm as can be!!  And 2 pairs of chestnut teals, all close enough to be photographed.

And the river setting, very picturesque!!

Then on the way home, in our 'street' I saw an echidna crossing the road, slowed down and watched it... and all with no camera ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

1 comment:

  1. Please don't let that happen again - I'd love to see all that wildlife!
