Monday, January 23, 2012

Rescues so far... today

The morning began well, I found the baby budgie that I am hand raising because its mother died is still alive this morning - his sibling died yesterday, but I was not hopeful from the start that he would make it.  The larger, and now lone baby, is just starting to get feathers and has its eyes open.  The only thing to hand was chick starter crumble, so ground that up added water and that's working.... so far.  'Proper' stuff coming today I hope!!!

NO PICS yet because my camera cable is loose, and I cant get camera and computer to talk to each other.

But then.... Presley (Elvis' son) decided to try out his newly acquired flying skills, flies well, navigation skills - must try harder.  He ended up on the wrong side of the fence, and could not do the vertical take off to clear 2m high fence!  So up to the house, tie up the dogs, grab a pair of scissors, get bike and ride round to get him.  Chase, catch - CLIP WING FEATHERS, send back over the fence.  Now he does not so much fly as plummet, but let that be a lesson for him!!

OK, back to the house, everything has been fed and watered now... so its 2 hours since I last fed the baby budgie - do that again, get covered in baby food!!  Very lively active baby, food everywhere.

Next I decided to take the dogs out for whirl on the bike, check a few sheep and then I thought I'd be able to have my coffee and brekky in peace, tired dogs sleeping at the door.

Started with the road paddock, and hardly in the gate before I see that there is a lamb stuck in the mud in the shallow dam.  Bugger!!  Tie dogs to bike, wade into the mud, pull lamb out and then lift/carry/drag it to the top of the dam wall.  The lamb and I have a lot of mud on us!!  Spend some time scraping as much as possible off!!  Now I'm back at the house and cleaned up, and I have 20 minutes to re-heat my coffee, make toast before its time to feed that budgie again!!   Wish me luck..........

Pics tomorrow I hope :)

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