Tuesday, September 11, 2012

No baby llamas here - here, no baby llamas!

Yesterday was Sweet Pea's due date but she is still pregnant and we have no new baby llama yet :(  So at about 4pm I took the camera to record her huge bellied unevent!  She was with the alpacas down near the duck and chook pens and as I got close I notice movement in the yards out of the corner of my eye - there not more than 20 feet away was a fox and between me and it were about 12 ducks.  Neither the fox nor the ducks seemed to be aware of each other!!  I started yelling and leaping about and the fox turned and trit trotted off - no real hurry!!  Meantime the ducks formed a V and plainly planned to see the fox off themselves - DUMB DUCKS!!  I rounded them up and shooed them back into their pen, play time over early today!!  They were not impressed as it was a good half hour ealier than I would normally bring them in.  Then I went back to taking photos:

Here is Sweet Pea still looking enormous and wondering why I am always staring at her so hard!

Sweet Pea with Jemma, Maggie and Joeley - all pretty much as they were when the fox was nearby ie unphased.

Jemma, on the left with Maggie and Joeley on the right.  Jemma is Joeley's mother and you can see they look quite alike.... well I can!!  Maggie is the star of each day's halter session, she's not keen to stand still and get her halter on, but once its in place and the lead attached she walks beautifully :)  Cannot take any credit for that because she was trained by her breeder, Ruth King of Lavender Park Alpacas.

The new blacks - Maggie, Jemma, Phoebe and Joeley at the back :)

No show without Punch, and on cue Tarquinn struts in to see 'what's goin' on'!!  This morning's halter training went much better and Tarquinn walked forward and with me happily because I had llama lollies in my pocket, for them Tarquinn will stand on his forehead and wiggle his left ear if you ask him to!!  Now that Young Stockfeeds has gone under it will be difficult to get him to do anything because there will be no llama lollies even for ready money!  While a lot of their products were very poor quality every llama I've met loved their 'alpaca pellets' better than anything else!

Next I wandered off to see 'the boys' and on my way I met Gerald our gander who gives more trash talk every day, yesterday though he seemed quite mild.

Totem went to the same school of curiosity that Tarquinn came from, plainly the camera needs to be investigated.

A more standard pic of Totem checking to see if there is any brekky left in his bowl - out of luck!

Lastly I noticed 3 wild ducks up near the front gate - 2 flew off with great speed, but the third stayed, as I got closer I realised it was one of my ducks!!  I then quickly escorted her back to the pen with the rest of her friends, no fraternising with the local free loaders!!

Hopefully I'll have cria news soon!

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