Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Another Nowra Road Trip!!

Yesterday I travelled down to Nowra once again, quilts and ducks on board, as usual!!  Stayed with the lovely Shayne and Brad, which was excellent, as usual, and Shayne cooked another delicious dinner - prawns, salmon, wilted asian greens - to die for!!

It was lovely to see Tarquinn and Freddie again, they are looking very well and the grass!!  Positivily luminous!!  Unbelievable, inconceivable!!

Tarquinn is as inquisitive as ever!!

The old horse Gayle is looking after - over the back fence - is looking better, has gained some condition and a sheen to her coat - long way to go yet!!

As usual the brooders were full at Shayne's, chickens and ducklings thriving :)

 Managed to get 2 stainless steel laundry troughs at the Nowra buy back centre, these will make good water troughs in the Titanic and Corner paddocks.... all good.  Funny bit was meeting up with my old neighbour Gayle while I was there - just like the good ol' days!!  LOL!!

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