Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Canberra Quilt Show

Last Saturday we (Freya, Mum, Scarlett Rose and I) visited the Canberra Quilt Show, some of the quilts that caught my eye, either for their design or their quilting (and there were many examples of extremely intricate quilting!!) shown here:

Winner - and a worthy one - of the '10' challenge:


Fractured blocks (for some reason my auto focus deserted me for a few shots in the middle of the day!! so apologies for the poor quality, but still worth seeing!!):

Kaleidoscope Quilt and details:

Shattered Glass quilt and details (made by Jenny Bowker):

After the quilt show we went for a late lunch at Mecca Bah in Manuka... not a suburb my sat nav is familiar with... apparently!!  Delicious lunch, thanks Mum :)  Scarlett sporting the jumper and matching hat that her GG knitted for her:

 Afterwards and back at the ranch we wanted to get the 4 generations shot that Dianne suggested... but couldn't find anyone to take it... next week I'll set up the tripod and remote shutter to get the job down... meantime, GG enjoyed a cuddle with Scarlett Rose:

Scarlett has a new activity centre courtesy of Alan and Aleisha, she is very taken with it :)

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see the quilt shots, but especially nice to see Scarlett Rose in her spiffy new outfit.
