Wednesday, February 29, 2012

And then the rain set in!

It started raining yesterday at about 4pm, and has been pretty much non-stop ever since.  At 9am this morning there was 106mm in the gauge.  Its falling at a steady pace, not torrential thank goodness, but the dams are overflowing, the pens are awash - the ducks dont mind, but the chooks are not best pleased - and its forecast to keep on raining!!


  1. We're expecting 10 cm of snow - and I can't imagine it as rain! don't slip - I'm sure it must be really muddy!

  2. Yes, its very muddy, wet, slippery and entirely wet!! Another 55mm in the gauge this morning, and it's forecast to rain for at least 3 more days. I have had to dig trenches to cope with the water flow in the duck's pen, the chooks are not coping so well!! And everyone was very appreciative of clean dry straw when they came in at the end of a long wet day, and found I'd made new beds :)
