Thursday, April 30, 2015

New Friends for Sherrie

Sherrie is our lone Merino ewe.

At the moment she is keeping company with a very handsome young Dorset ram, but he'll be going home (down the road) again soon, and then she's back to being on her own.... with 30 or so llamas and alpacas!!

But in a few months she'll have some company, when Milly, Molly and Mandy are big enough to be out in the paddock on their own.  They are second cross Dorset ewes.  The lady I got them from has 60 bottle babies at the moment!!  She makes me look quite sane really ;-P  She is looking for more people to help her out... by taking some babies with them when they leave - 3 is plenty for me to look after!!

Milly (Right, age 4 weeks), Molly (Centre, age 3 weeks) and Mandy (Left, age 2 weeks)

Very hard to get them to stand still for photos!!  They just keep walking towards me in case I have a bottle!

Milly (L) and Molly (R)