Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Runners away from Home

Some ducks leave the Duck Hilton as fertile eggs - these lucky ducks have been hatched by and live with Alicia in Melbourne.

This is Edith Egg aka Eddy - so named because the egg was laid by the lovely Edith, and it turned out to be a drake, and needed a bit of a name change!!  He is the most fabulous looking black Runner I've seen in a while, and the spitting image of his father Captain.  Alicia says he is always first into the water, and last out.

The Drake in the pool foreground is Harley, Eddy is in there too. Standing Beside is Wiley, Goggleduck and also the little brown duck.  So nice to see them growing up and having such a pampered life.

1 comment:

  1. lovely flowers Rosie. My amaryllis was almost the same colour - 2 stems at different times so it bloomed for ages.
