Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tomas or Tomasina??

Tomas is a very tiny duckling, left behind after his mum and siblings visited my friend Carol's garden and found, alone and frightened by her husband Tom after he finished washing the car.

I think he's a Pacific Black duckling, and he's been here all by himself since Monday.  But happy happy joy joy today he has a lavender bibbed call duckling - who looks BIG compared with him - to keep him company.

Tomas is a real character and has become accustomed to my voice, and likes to be near my face when I pick him up.  Unfortunately he hasnt worked out that my hands are part of me, and instead regards them as evil duckling threatening things that send him into quite a tizz!!

I am very pleased that he now has a friend, and if things go well in the incubator there should be  a couple more on the way :)  Tomas seen here sitting on the leg of a pink teddy - doesnt every duckling deserve such good treatment!!  LOL!!

This pair of Pacific Blacks visit every day, I've had up to 3 pairs here at any one time, so when Tomas/ina grows up there will be plenty of 'like' company.

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