Saturday, June 9, 2012


The newest member of our household arrived today, please meet Kiki.  A clever little puppy who has wormed her way into our hearts in nano seconds.  She's already 'sitting' and has figured out the fastest way to be brought in out of the cold is to have a pee lickety split!!  She's sorted out where the dining table is, and thus the best place to sit at meal time is directly underneath the chair/s of the messiest eaters - she's a real little vacuum cleaner and is pretty much perfect - just ask me!!

The cats are not impressed, but luckily they'll get over it ;-D

Buyer resistance nil!  She's a little star, hopefully short coat and 'open' ears will mean no grass seed problems.

This pic is for Freya, who wanted to see Dad's first reaction to  Kiki, he has a migraine, so no flash and a blurry photo, but I think you get the gist Fraz :)  They are currently 'watching' TV and simultaneously 'resting' their eyes!  LOL!!

Softens the blow of losing Loli, she cant be replaced, but Kiki will make life happier :)


  1. very cute. Pugs must be "in" these days. Several people here have them - rescue dogs.

  2. I've always liked them, we 'interviewed' one as a friend for Toad, before Loli.... but that pug was not a good example of the breed AND it hated Toad!!
    This one is nice, and is already showing the signs that she'll be a good watch dog.
