Thursday, June 21, 2012

Picture if you will......

I was out giving the llamas and alpacas their brekky and saw a fabulous photo with the now bare claret ash literally 'full' of galahs, all facing the early morning sun and their beautiful pink chests lit up like mad... only problem was I didnt have my camera with me.  So I dashed back to the house to grab it  before the light changed and/or the birds moved - not a chance!!  Got back, lens cap off, and just as I raised the camera... off they flew - bugger!!  So picture if you will...... and here's what was left of the scene to help your imagination!  It was truly spectacular... honestly!

You're not supposed to feed alpacas 'treats' if you want their fleece to be beautiful, but while they're still thin on the ground I have them in with the llamas and so they get lucky.... every day!!  LOL!!  They are now very tame, like the llamas, but as soon as I have a big enough gang they'll get their own paddock, and that will have to be the end of llama lollies for brekky :(  Tarquinn is a big llama lolly fan, and you can see how gorgeous his fleece is, very curly after light morning rain.


  1. look forward to seeing the galahs when you bring your camera with you the first time. Maybe you need a little point and shoot for your pocket.

  2. Yeah, it would definitely be useful for occasions such as these, but I know it would drive me mental the rest of the time! LOL!!
