Monday, July 9, 2012

Tathra Road Trip - Getting There

Freya and I took a weekend trip to Tathra, meant getting up very early on Saturday and leaving before I'd done my chores - thanks Eddy ;-D

We hit a pocket of really cold air at Royalla, which lasted through Bredo and on to Cooma!!


Bredo - always sounds like a name you need to have a cold to say properly  LOL!!

We stopped again at the lake at Nimitibel, still cool, but very picturesque, see:

Just before the Brown Mountain descent the landscape turns (thankfully?) from the seemingly unending rolling plains of the Monaro to granite boulder country.

Freya climbed some of the rocks, and took time out for a little meditation :)

Next stop was the Brown Mountain Lookout.

And then on to Bega to meet up with Matt and Tash, and their daughters India and Klancy.

We handed over our very special spangle OEG bantam chookie Micki, who is going to meet a lovely roo of the same colour - looking forward to some gorgeous chickens later this season :)  Micki is a very special chook, and we had cuddle time in the car before arriving at the picnic point on the Bega River.

Fantastic bird life on the river and surrounds, the swans seemed to be practising for the synchronised swimming event... albeit on dry land ;-D

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again, Rosie. I love seeing the countryside and your photography is great (not to mention the captions!).

